Thursday, December 24, 2009


It looks like he's making videos again. This should be entertaining. I wonder if anyone will even bother with him anymore though. I mean, really, he just keeps repeating the same shit over and over again. No matter how convincing an argument you make against one of his points, he'll throw it back at you in another video like it was something new that he just though up. Is thunderf00t going to want to go over the same points again ad nauseum? Is TJ?

Maybe it'll be entertaining, though. Maybe he'll show more of his dorm room hijinks and Kassie Dill will keep talking about how faggy she thinks he is and we'll all have a good laugh. Maybe he'll embarrass himself even more by false DMCAing yet another set of atheist videos. Maybe he'll get on FOX News like Howtheworldworks did and the whole world will get to see what dink he is.

I suspect it'll just be boring videos and boring responses to his obvious nonsense.

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