Thursday, December 24, 2009


I can't really say I go to the effort of boycotting Christmas so much as I refuse to spend any effort on it. I didn't buy anybody any presents, though some probably bought me some. I didn't decorate, and I'm spending the day working. I'm taking the opportunity to be productive.

I cringe at all the people who are able to compartmentalize the excitement over presents and separate it from the ridiculous amount of debt they are in and refuse to connect the two. Only a grinch would point out the inevitable nuisance those Playstations and Xboxes are going to bring when they're being hounded by the credit card company.

People are baffled by the fact that I'm able to pay all my bills while only working 25 hours a week and have never been in debt. "How is this possible in a recession?! How do you do it?!" I don't spend all my money on stupid shit, that's how.

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