Friday, August 3, 2007

Another Ex-Muslim Who Knows Dick About Islam

A week after this was filmed, Muslim clerics in Spain did in fact declare a fatwa against bin Laden.


Brownback vs His Lunatic Supporters

Sam Brownback proves he may not be as crazy as his base of support by distancing himself from Blogs4Brownback and the equally wacky Baptists For Brownback.

This is a statement released from the Brownback campaign:
“Baptists for Brownback is clearly a parody. Frankly, our campaign is flattered that an individual would take hours out of their day and sit behind a computer anonymously to make a parody of Senator Brownback and his consistent, conservative positions on the issues. It certainly is one of the weirder hobbies out there.”

While BFB and B4B look like parody sites, they sadly are not.

This is the reaction from BFB:
"Heavenly Father,

We humbly ask You to strengthen Sen. Brownback’s resolve to resist the forces of evil pundits and divisive presidential candidates who demand renunciation of those who support him"

What a bunch of screwballs.

Clearly B4B is in a state of denial:
"Does anybody think for even a second that someone charged with the great authority to speak on behalf of a presidential campaign would be so unprofessional as to dismiss a supporter with insults, without even having attempted to have contacted the supporter in question to verify the legitimacy of the site?

Come on! There is no way that someone in that position of authority would be that careless, reckless and unprofessional."