Wednesday, April 4, 2007


So Iran is letting the hostages go. No negotiations, no daring MI5 rescue operation, just "*yawn* whatever, here are your guys back."

Ahmadinejad says, "When we think of Islamic kindness, we are not expecting anything in return." This makes me think there are one of two things going on here: either this whole thing was a stunt to allow Ahmadinejad to make himself look like the good guy by "pardoning" the Brittish hostages, which is quite contrived seeing as international law says that if someone illegally enters your waters, you intercept them and turn them back rather than capture them, or there was some kind of back door deal made that convinced Mahmoud of the wisdom of releasing these guys.

Given that Ahmadinejad really wants people to believe that, "really guys, I did this out of the kindness of my heart. No one is coercing me to release these people in any way," the latter situation seems somewhat more likely.

What I can't wait to see is whether the confessions that the captives gave will be recanted, and what the right-wing crazies are going to do/say if they aren't.