Friday, December 26, 2008

Palestinian Expulsion

According to this poll, a "plurality" of Israelis would rather see the Palestinians be expelled from the West Bank rather than the settlements be removed.

The question that always comes to my mind when the idea of expulsion comes up is, "expel them to where?" Not only will you have to forcably move the Palestinians from where they've lived for generations, you'd also have to force the country or countries into which they are being pushed to take them. And while Arab nations may cry about the treatment of Palestinians, none of them really want to take in five million rowdy, poorly educated, unemployed refugees.

How would you even do this? Push them all across the river into Jordan? You'd have to fight the Palestinians, you'd have to fight the Jordanians, and you'd have to fight whatever other countries decided to join in to prevent the forced relocation.

And another thing! Why is it genocidal to talk about pushing Israel into the sea, but perfectly acceptable to talk about pushing Palestinians across the Jordan river? And don't give me any of that Palestinians-aren't-really-a-people crap, 'cause whether or not they've been a nation historically, the conditions under which they've lived for the last 41 years have made them culturally distinct from any other Arab population, as any Jordanian will tell you. Even if Jordan had the option of recapturing the West Bank and making it part of their country again, I really doubt they would jump at the opportunity.


I haven't posted a thing here all semester!

Well, I'm glad Obama won, that was pretty cool.

I have a few videos on YouTube now, so anyone who still reads this can check them out.

Right now I'm saving money for a decent camera instead of the shite one I have to use now.

The computer I used to use to record music is all fucked up now for some reason, so I'll have to get something running on my laptop. It won't run Pro Audio 9, but it will run Sonar, which I barely know how to use. I guess I have to upgrade sometime.