Friday, April 13, 2007

Goin' Green

Looks like Canada will get some Green Party MPs soon.

The Liberals have decided not to run any candidates in ridings where Green Party members are running and vice versa.

Jack Layton is predictably pissy about the whole deal.


Looks like this is only for one riding, namely Elizabeth May's (the leader of the Green Party) riding.

Does Russia Want to See Iran Get Bombed?

I read in an editorial by Andrei Piontkovsky in the Globe & Mail the other day that the reason Russia is selling nuclear equipment to Iran and helped them build their reactor in Bushehr is not because they at all want Iran to have nuclear weapons or a nuclear program, but rather because they want Iran to take it as far as they can, inevitably provoking Israel to strike at their nuclear facilities. That way, heat from the Islamic world could be taken off of Moscow, and Iran would retaliate by attacking Saudi oil facilities, forcing people to buy a lot more oil from Russia.

Russia, however, has been aiding Iran and its nuclear program since 1995. Yelstin was in charge back then, did he have the same designs? This would have happened right in the middle of the first Chechen War, so I guess it's possible.

Another thing bugs me about this suspicion, though. According to Russia, Iran hasn't enriched nearly as much uranium as they say they have. If Russia's goal is to get Israel and the States paranoid and trigger happy, wouldn't they be saying the opposite?


Can Anybody from This Administration Do Anything Ethically?

I've trained myself never to stop being surprised by the new allegations I hear about members or former members of the Bush administration. They seem to be embroiled in some new scandal practically every week or two. Now it turns out that Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank and Rumsfeld's former deputy, is in trouble for helping his girlfriend, also an employee of the World Bank, get a raise and a transfer.

According to the MSM, Wolfowitz sent a memo to the World Bank VP telling him to give her basically whatever job she liked, then said that "bank ethics officials had been kept informed about the new post for his companion." Turns out there was a lot he didn't tell them.

Why do these guys keep exposing themselves like this? They should know by now that if they so much as pick their noses someone will be there to put it on the cover of the New York Times. Why do they still think they can get away with shit like this?