Friday, April 13, 2007

Can Anybody from This Administration Do Anything Ethically?

I've trained myself never to stop being surprised by the new allegations I hear about members or former members of the Bush administration. They seem to be embroiled in some new scandal practically every week or two. Now it turns out that Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank and Rumsfeld's former deputy, is in trouble for helping his girlfriend, also an employee of the World Bank, get a raise and a transfer.

According to the MSM, Wolfowitz sent a memo to the World Bank VP telling him to give her basically whatever job she liked, then said that "bank ethics officials had been kept informed about the new post for his companion." Turns out there was a lot he didn't tell them.

Why do these guys keep exposing themselves like this? They should know by now that if they so much as pick their noses someone will be there to put it on the cover of the New York Times. Why do they still think they can get away with shit like this?

1 comment:

Who you gonna call? said...

In case you haven't noticed, they have been getting away with this shit for 6+ years. They pull this kind of stuff because their recent history has shown that nobody takes them to task on it.

At least they manage to avoid getting caught getting head in the Oval Office. We can't have that it would bring down the nation.