Monday, June 4, 2007

Jack Kevorkian and Conservative Sadism

Kevorkian has finally been released from prison just in time to live out his last days. He contracted Hepatitis C while researching blood transfusions in Vietnam, and it doesn't look like he'll live much longer than a year. One of the conditions of his release was that he not counsel or help anybody else who is dying and in pain.

After Kevorkian is dead, who knows if anyone else will take up his fight. Hopefully someone out there has the courage to fight against the sadistic, tyrannical notion conservatives have that life should be lived no matter how painful or humiliating. It's hard to listen to people who refuse to allow people to die in a time and manner of their choosing and not be convinced that they take a lot of pleasure in the idea of someone continuing to live despite their agony.

They claim to hold life as sacred, but are perfectly willing to watch it continue under twisted, humiliating and horrific conditions. To many of these people the American flag is sacred, and the flag code says, "When a flag is so worn it is no longer fit to serve as a symbol of the United States, it should be destroyed in a dignified manner." If you really regard something as sacred, you don't allow it to continue under undignified conditions. A person should be free to decide what is or is not dignified for them, and when they decide their life is so worn it is no longer fit to continue, they should be free to die in a dignified manner.

1 comment:

Who you gonna call? said...

One could argue that euthanasia is a form of suicide, and that suicide is a mortal sin and that to save the soul of the person in agony requires them to remain in agony. God has a plan and all that jazz.

One could argue that, but it won't be me. If someone's death is inevitable, painful and demeaning then we should respect their wishes and give then a death that is as quick and painless as possible.

Life is sacred to these people only when it's unborn, dying (in pain preferably), or a vegetable.