Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Well it looks like after a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing, Bush will get his war funding, no questions asked.

Whether you like Democrats or not, you can't escape the fact that they are all a bunch of sackless jerk-offs.

1 comment:

Who you gonna call? said...

I think we've all known the Democrats were "a bunch of sackless jerk-offs" sometime before the 2004 election.

If the best they could field was John Kerry on the "at least it's not Bush" ticket, then they didn't deserve to win.

Not to mention that everyone ( and their dogs ) have stated that a lot of what this administration has done is criminal and they should be impeached, but only 3 or 4 people have the balls to sponsor a bill to that effect. What's the point of having such a check if no one has the inclination to use it for precisely the reason it should be used. Bush's name better show up on the DC madam's list, then maybe we'll see something being done to throw them out.