Monday, May 21, 2007

Divide and Conquer

It was only a mater of time. Finally it's happening, the Republican party is turning against itself.

There are basically two kinds of Republicans, those who put capitalism above everything, and those who put capitalism second to things like "heritage," "morality" and "tradition." The former are in favour of Bush's immigration plan, the latter are strongly against it.

I'm hoping that the traditionalist Republicans break away from the rest and start their own party. Such a party will inevitably become overrun with bigots and never gain any popular, mainstream support. Once they're out of the picture, opposition to gay marriage, opposition to abortion rights, and asinine censorship laws will gradually go extinct.


Who you gonna call? said...

Perhaps a bit offtopic.

You what bugs me about some of those on the right (probably left as well )? That things like public health care and certain forms or welfare are looked down upon because they don't want to help the "lazy". But they have no problem approving a military budget of $646 BILLION.

Back on topic, the politics in the states is messed up. They are so stuck in this two party mindset that any alternative is dismissed outright. Which is why I don't think you'll see a split in the Republican party for at least a few years. And only after they are shown to be wildly unpopular.

Frasor said...

Bush the Elder may have actually beaten Bill Clinton in 1992 if it hadn't been for Ross Perot splitting the right-wing vote.

I'm hoping for another Ross Perot (or even the same Ross Perot, depending on how much longer he lives) to rally the more bigoted and nationalist elements of the right, and draw support from the GOP in a more sustainable way.