Monday, June 14, 2010

Geert Wilders

This guy has gotten a lot of attention lately, as has Dutch politics in general since Theo Van Gogh was murdered. The fascination, it seems to me, is partly inspired by the fact that the Netherlands is known for its tolerance, but they have a growing nationalist movement lead by people like Wilders who calls for a recognition that the Netherlands are based on "Judeo-Christian values". That does not sound like the position of a prominent European leader, but rather of an American southern Baptist.

This is unfortunate and a little scary. Scary, not because we are seeing people who wish to resist some Muslims in Europe who wish explicitly to Islamize the West, but because the people leading that resistance are no longer libertines like Pim Fortuyn, or or religious skeptics like Ayan Hirsi Ali, but, increasingly, it seems, people like Wilders.

1 comment:

Who you gonna call? said...

I agree in part with the resistance to the "Islamization of the West" I don't think there is one aspect of an Islamic republic that I would like to see emulated in our country.

I don't agree with resisting it by embracing "Judeo-Christian values" For one, who's interpretation do we embrace? I think both are something to resist.