Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Blagojevich and Republican Loyalty

For some reason, Blagojevich doesn’t feel like he’s done enough damage to the Democratic Party by basically selling Obama’s senate seat, and insists on staying in office and appointing someone to the senate despite the fact that even if he appointed the second incarnation of Christ, that person would have the stink of corruption on him.

However, he’s a very wiley fellow, that Blagojevich. Since, after Obama leaves the senate to become President, the place will be completely vacant of blacks, so Blago appointed a black guy. And as Rep. Bobby Rush says, “I don’t think that anyone, any U.S. senator who’s sitting in the Senate, right now, want to go on record to deny one African-American from being seated in the U.S. Senate.” So the Democrats have a tough choice to make. Allow a tainted senate appointment, or go without their token black guy. In all likelihood, they’ll be scrambling to find another black guy to take the seat after they’ve blocked out the one Blago tried to appoint.

The Republican’s, of course, are citing this as an example of how corrupt the Democratic party is, despite the fact that Obama and most other Democrats have been fighting this senate appointment tooth and nail. If the shoe were on the other foot, I highly doubt the main Republican establishment would be doing the same. Republicans like to get behind each other and march. That’s why they’ve been so successful at winning elections until now. They’re policies are all retarded, as American’s have finally come to realize, but they stand behind each other and get the proverbial trains to run on time. As Sideshow Bob said, they want their leaders to “slash taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule them like a king.” They even got behind McCain, who they despised for years with his “belief in evolution” and “imaginary black baby”.

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