Tuesday, March 13, 2007

YouTube Demons

Despite my avid interest in the occult, I'm a skeptical sort of guy. Since I was in high school I've been reading about Anton Lavey, Aleister Crowley and later, John Dee and the Ars Goetia. My primary interest in the stuff has always been aesthetic. I like the semiotics, poetry, and even the couture of the occult. I never really took it seriously, however, and have always had a giggle at those who do.

The Goetia, (a system developed by King Solomon to summon demons and get them to do your bidding) arouses an especially vehement skepticism in me, mainly because those who practice it claim to be able to summon visibly observable entities that they claim are absolutely not figments of their imagination. If this is the case, however, I think there would be more than just drawings of these things. If you can really see them, and they are really there, why has nobody photographed or video taped any of these things? You'd think YouTube would be loaded with Goetia videos.

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