Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I just saw this thing on The Colbert Report about this guy named Albert Mohler who said basically the same thing I said in an earlier post, that we may someday have the ability to technologically remove any biological predisposition to homosexuality.

Mohler took a lot of heat for advocating such a practice, but would it really be that objectionable? I am in favour of gay rights, because I don't think whom you find attractive is as important as your ability to pursue a relationship with whomever may consent to have a relationship with you. I therefore think it would be far more preferable for a parent to remove biological urges for relations with the same sex than to force them to fit into some lifestyle that is not compatible with their biology.

So I don't have a problem with parents biologically inducing heterosexuality in their children, and I don't have a problem with parent's who choose to do the opposite.

1 comment:

Who you gonna call? said...

I'm offended by Moby's idea that heterosexual people are dumb or uninteresting. Your sexual orientation is just one aspect of a person. I know plenty of uncharismatic gay people just as I know plenty of uncharismatic straight people.

The author is right, Moby is an ass. Not for wanting a gay child, but for his opinion on the perceived merits of gay people over straight people.